Carolina Talent Key Terms

Carolina Talent Key Terms



Co-Planners can complete Carolina Talent performance tasks on behalf of the manager that assigned the task.

  • Co-Planners can be added by the assigned manager by submitting a help desk ticket on behalf of the manager.

  • Only HR Representatives and management (second-level managers, previous managers, ad hoc managers) can be added as co-planners.

Development Plans

A development plan consists of at least one objective and development activity.  The development plan focuses more on professional development and career growth.  The activity doesn’t necessarily need to be training.


  • Attend 6 seminars on conflict resolution by the end of the next fiscal year.

  • Take 2 college courses in business management by the end of the next fiscal year.

  • Achieve a score of 80 percent or higher on four online courses offered by Human Resources.

  • Complete PMP and scrum master certification program by next year.

Employee Competency Assessment (ECA)*

The ECA ensures that SHRA employees demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities required to meet stated business needs that contribute to the success of the organization. Managers are responsible for determining the employee’s demonstrated competency level for each of the competencies required in the position. For more information go to Career Banding - UNC Human Resources.

*Applies to SHRA employees only.

Employee Competency Assessments (ECAs) are completed at the following times:

  • As a baseline at the time of a position reclassification or update to duties.

  • Annually, with the performance review.

  • Any other time the manager deems appropriate based on business need.


Employee Snapshot

The Employee Snapshot is part of the User Profile, and it enables users, managers and PM Reps to view and manage goals, development plans and previous performance documents.


Goals are established through the Performance Plan task and managed in the Goals Menu. Employees are required to have three to five individual goals. Goals can be created at any time directly in the Goals Menu by the manager, employee or PM Representative.

  • Goals created by an employee require manager approval.

  • Goals can be modified based on priorities via the Goals Menu, by both employee and manager.

  • If an employee modifies a goal, their manager needs to approve the changes in order to take effect.


The manager is responsible for the completion of the performance management process for their full-time/part-time SHRA or EHRA-NF direct reports.

  • Managers have access to their direct reports' User Profile/Snapshot.

  • Managers have the ability to add a co-planner to a task.

Performance Management Cycle

  • The performance management cycle is the timeline used to evaluate and assess the performance and progress of our employees. At Carolina, our performance management cycle is from April 1 to March 31.

  • The cycle is designed to be iterative, with the insights and outcomes from one cycle feeding into the planning phase of the next, facilitating continuous improvement and alignment with organizational objectives.

Performance Management Representative (PM Rep)

An HR professional who has the ability to assist managers through the performance management process, as well as run reports for their school, division, or department.

Performance Tasks

Performance tasks are performance management electronic documents assigned in Carlina Talent that help document and keep track of employee's performance. Performance tasks are assigned as followed:

Performance Plan Task

The Performance Plan task in Carolina Talent is used to document and deliver the goals and development plans.

Performance Plans Task are assigned at the following times:

  • Within 60 days of entry into a job (whether new hire or internal transfer)

  • Annually, during Performance Season (April 1 - June 3)

SHRA Probationary Review Tasks

UNC Chapel Hill requires managers to document the performance of probationary employees quarterly during the first year of employment. Probationary Review tasks have three steps, the employee self-assessment step, following the managers input, and the final step in which employees acknowledge the completion of their Probationary Review.

Carolina Talent Performance Probationary Tasks are assigned as followed:

State Hire Months: January, February, March


April Probationary Review (3-months)

July Probationary Review (6-months)

October Probationary Review (9-months)

January Probationary Review (12-months)


  • Assigned: March 15

  • Due: March 30

  • Assigned: June 15

  • Due: June 30

  • Assigned: September 15

  • Due: September 30

  • Assigned: January 15

  • Due: January 31


  • Assigned: April 1

  • Due: April 30

  • Assigned: July 1

  • Due: July 31

  • Assigned: October 1

  • Due: October 31

  • Assigned: February 1

  • Due: February 28

State Hired Month: April, May, June


July Probationary Review (3-months)

October Probationary Review (6-months)

January Probationary Review (9-months)

April Annual Review (12-months)


  • Assigned: June 15

  • Due: June 30

  • Assigned: September 15

  • Due: September 30

  • Assigned: January 15

  • Due: January 31

  • Assigned: March 15

  • Due: March 30


  • Assigned: July 1

  • Due: July 31

  • Assigned: October 1

  • Due: October 31

  • Assigned: February 1

  • Due: February 28

  • Assigned: April 1

  • Due: April 30

State Hired Month: July, August, September


October Probationary Review (3-months)

January Probationary Review (6-months)

April Annual Review (9-months)

July Probationary Review (12-months)


  • Assigned: September 15

  • Due: September 30

  • Assigned: January 15

  • Due: January 31

  • Assigned: March 15

  • Due: March 30

  • Assigned: June 15

  • Due: June 30


  • Assigned: October 1

  • Due: October 31

  • Assigned: February 1

  • Due: February 28

  • Assigned: April 1

  • Due: April 30

  • Assigned: July 1

  • Due: July 31

State Hired Month: October, November, December


January Probationary Review (3-months)

April Probationary Review (6-months)

July Probationary Review (9-months)

October Probationary Review (12 months)


  • Assigned: January 15

  • Due: January 31

  • Assigned: March 15

  • Due: March 30

  • Assigned: June 15

  • Due: June 30

  • Assigned: September 15

  • Due: September 30


  • Assigned: February 1

  • Due: February 28

  • Assigned: April 1

  • Due: April 30

  • Assigned: July 1

  • Due: July 31

  • Assigned: October 1

  • Due: October 31


Visit the HR Performance Management website for more details.

EHRA-NF/SHRA Annual Appraisal Tasks

The performance appraisal task in Carolina Talent is used to document and rate employee performance. The Annual Appraisal task has a complex workflow with multiple steps.

[Step 1] March 15-31: Optional employee self-assessment 

The self-assessment closes out the preceding (2023-2024) performance cycle. Employees can choose to provide feedback toward their goals and achievements for the previous year. 

[Step 2] April 1 – April 30: Manager Review

Managers complete the 20XX-20XX performance appraisal task for their team members. 

[Step 3] May 1 – May 20: HR checkpoint 

A vital step within the greater performance appraisal timeline, the HR checkpoint is when HR Representatives review appraisals for overall compliance and for potential issues that may need further evaluation before moving forward. 

[Step 4] May 21 – June 3 : Managers sign the employee appraisal and release it for employee review. 

[Step 5] After the manager releases the review: Employee acknowledgement. Employees have 15 days to acknowledge the appraisal.

EHRA-NF/SHRA Annual Appraisal - Replacement Tasks

EHRA-NF/SHRA Annual Appraisal Replacement Tasks are assigned manually and follow distinct workflow in the system.

[Step 1] -Optional employee self-assessment: Manually Assigned

Employees have 15 days from the assigned date to complete the optional self-assessment. Once the self-assessment is completed, the manager will be assigned the manager review step.

[Step 2] Manager Review: This step is assigned to the manager immediately after the employee completes the optional self-assessment, or it automatically moves to the manager step following the due date for the employee’s self-assessment step.

Managers complete the 20XX-20XX performance appraisal task for their team members. Managers have 30 days from the assigned date to complete this step.

[Step 3] HR checkpoint: This step is assigned to the HR Officer, and it requires their electronic signature to move to the manager’s sign & release step. HR officers have 7 days to complete this step.

[Step 4] Managers sign the employee appraisal and release it for employee review. Managers have 15 days from the date assigned.

[Step 5] After the manager releases the review: Employee acknowledgement.

Employee Competency Assessment (ECA) Tasks

Employee Competency Assessments (ECAs) task are completed at the following times:

  • As a baseline at the time of a position reclassification or update to duties

  • Annually, with the performance review

  • Any other time the manager deems appropriate based on business need.

Mid-Cycle Review Tasks

The mid-cycle review tasks are completed in October for employees who received a rating of Not Meeting Expectations on any individual rating on their last annual performance appraisal.

  • Departments are allowed to require mid-cycle reviews for employees within the department.


October Mid-cycle Review Workflow

Task Assigned to Employee

Task Due Date for Employee

Task Assigned to Manager

Task Due Date for Manager

Employee Acknowledge Due Date


15 days


30 Days

15 days

Off-Cycle Task

  • Off-Cycle review tasks can be generated by the manager within Carolina Talent. These can be employee requested, manager requested or for transfer reviews. In the case of transfer reviews, the current manager can launch the task and add the previous manager as a co-planner.

  • Off-Cycle competency assessments can also be launched for SHRA employees by their manager.


Performance Management Season

The performance management season is when the performance tasks get assigned. At Carolina, our performance management season runs from March 15 through the month of June.


Employees have an opportunity to weigh in on their achievements. Self-assessments are completed in the Annual Performance Review, and the Probationary Review task.

*The self-assessment is an optional task.

System-Generated Emails

These are automated notifications sent by Carolina Talent Performance directly to your email. They play a crucial role in keeping you updated on various aspects of your performance journey. Here's what they typically include:

  • Emails related to goals - assigned, modified, approved, canceled and more.

  • Emails related to tasks - new tasks assigned, reopened, added as a co-planner, task due reminders.

Weekly Digest

Carolina Talent Performance Digest weekly email digest is scheduled on a recurring basis. The email digest is intended to group employees' notifications and reminders into a single email. Only employees with active task will receive an email digest.

For example, a Task is Due email digest is only sent to a recipient when they have one or more training items that are due.