Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Work in progress

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Work in progress


Reporting Structures

The reporting structure is based on the employee’s primary job manager in Connect Carolina. Contact your HR Representative to update the reporting structure.

ConnectCarolina data feeds into Carolina Talent. Any pending tasks for the manager are transferred to the new manager.

The data for the employee moves with the employee. The new manager and reporting chain can see employee information. If the employee is moving departments, the new PM rep will be able to see the information. History will display, as is applicable under the University’s Record Retention Schedule.

Any new tasks will be stuck until a new manager is assigned. The school/division HR should add the new manager using a position ePAR in ConnectCarolina to update the employee’s position reports to.

A co-planner will not be added to a task if no manager listed.

In situations where the manager can’t complete or needs help, a help desk ticket can be submitted to add a co-planner to a task.

Goals & Development Plans



Snapshot - Performance Documents

Performance Task

I submitted my self-assessment; how can I access it again for my performance review conversation?