How to Assign a Goal to Multiple Employees

How to Assign a Goal to Multiple Employees

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Managers can create a goal and assign it to multiple employees, or to specific employees.

To create a goal, go to PERFORMANCE → GOALS. Then click the CREATE button.

Goal assignment settings

Goal Assignment Section

To assign the goal to your entire team or specific members of your team, select the Your Team option in the Assignment section.

Your Team - Select Users

When you select the Your Team option, a list of your direct reports displays with their name and job title.

The manager creating the goal is listed as the first user in the table. This enables you to include yourself in the goal assignment.


Assing goal.png
  • Next, to assign the goal, click on the checkbox to the left of the employee’s name.

Employees will be assigned separate goals. This option is automatically selected.

Click SUBMIT to create the goal.

Once this goal is assigned, it will appear on the My Goals page for all selected employees where they can edit and manage it. This goal may also appear in their performance review.


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