How to Create Goals

How to Create Goals

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Individual goals are used to identify and formalize the achievements that you want to accomplish during a performance year (4/1/20XX - 03/31/20XX). Goals help you maintain focus on the position’s priorities, and they allow you to track your progress towards the completion of those priorities. Employees are required to have between 3-5 goals active individual goals at all times.

Create Goal

To create a goal, go to Carolina Talent → hover over PERFORMANCE and click on GOALS. The My Goals page will appear. Click on the CREATE button.

Goals, click create

Goal Title & Description

Next, Enter the following general information for the goal:

  1. Enter the Title for your goal that will appear on the My Goals page.

  2. In the Description field enter an overview of the goal, including any objectives or parameters. Text is limited to 10,000 characters.

  3. By default, the Start Date and Due Date for Goals are April 1 of the current year and March 31 of the following year. To edit the Start Date and Due Date, click the calendar icon to select the custom dates.

It is recommended to use 4/1 and 3/31. Only change the years for different cycles.

  1. Add the goal weights. EHRA-NF are not required to have weighted goals.

    • Enter a weight for your goal between 0 and 100. Weighting allows you to place a greater value on certain goals.

For example, if you have four goals for a review period and they are valued equally, you should assign them each a weight of 25%. Similarly, if one goal is more important than the others, you may give that goal a weight of 40% and assign the other three a weight of 20%. The heavier weighted goal will count more towards your overall goal progress than the other three.

Goals detail page


Tasks and targets enable users to break down the different steps needed to accomplish the goal and to make the goal clearer to the employees and managers. Tasks and targets are equally weighted when calculating the progress of the overall goal.

To add a task or target to the goal, click the ADD TASKS OR TARGETS button.

To edit a task or target, click Actions menu icon to the right of the appropriate task or target and select Edit.

To delete a task or target, click Actions menu icon to the right of the appropriate task or target and select Delete. A task or target is not permanently deleted until the goal is saved.

You can attach up to three documents that are relevant to the goal. This enables you to include more details or references that support the goal so that anyone viewing the goal can view the resources.

  • The maximum file size is 1 MB.

  • Attachments can be avi, bmp, csv, doc, docx, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, mov, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, txt, xls, xlsx, and zip.

You can attach a file by dragging and dropping a file into the Attachment area. You can also attach a file by clicking the CHOOSE FILE button and selecting a file from your computer. Note: The drag-and-drop functionality is not supported by Internet Explorer browsers.

After the file is attached, the attachment appears in the Attachments section.

An attachment can be removed by clicking the Cancel icon to the right of the attachment name.

Goal Cancel/Save as Draft/Submit

When creating a goal via the Goals Menu, the assignment section is automatically set to Yourself. If you are a manager, view the section How to Create Goals | Goal Assignment Section (Managers & PM Reps only) for step-by-step instructions on how to assign goals to your team.

Sending Approval Requests for Pending Goals

Goals that are created or changed by the employee require approval by the supervisor. The supervisor receives a performance digest email with this information each week.

In addition, the SEND APPROVAL REQUEST button is available in the upper-right corner of the page if you have goals that are still pending approval. Click this button to send an email to your supervisor. Once the request is sent, the button text is updated to "Request Sent" until the page is refreshed.

Goal Assignment Section (Managers & PM Reps only)

Manager assignment to team:

To assign the goal to your entire team or specific members of your team, select the Your Team option in the Assignment section. If you do not have direct reports, the only Assignment option will be Yourself.

Your Team - Select Users

When you select the Your Team option, a list of your direct reports displays with their name and job title.

The manager creating the goal is listed as the first user in the table. This enables you to include yourself in the goal assignment.

Assign Goals

  • To assign the goal to a specific employee, select the checkbox to the left of the employee’s name.

  • To assign the same goal to multiple employees, select the checkbox to the left of all the applicable employee’s names.

Create a separate goal for each user.

This option is automatically selected, and each user is assigned a separate copy of the goal.

Click SUBMIT to create the goal or to submit any modifications.

PM Rep Goal Assignment Option

PM Reps can assign a goal to a specific employee using the Custom Assignment option in the Assignment Section.

  • Select the Custom Assignment option in the Assignment section.

  • Select the Users option from the drop-down menu.

  • Then, type the name in the search filed or click the Select icon to search for the employee using their PID.

  • Select the employee’s name.

  • Finally, your selections are displayed in the Criteria table. You can remove a selected user by clicking the Remove icon  to the left of the user.

  • Click Submit when finished.

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