Development Plans

Development Plans

On this page

The Development Plans page enables employees and managers to view, create, and manage their development plans.


To access the Development Plans page:


  • Go to HOME → My Profile/team → Select the Snapshot tab. Then, select the Development Plans widget.

Manage/View Development Plan

To manage an existing development plan, go to PERFORMANCE → DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Then, select the title link for the development plan.

Use the Manage Plan page to view overall progress, edit the plan, launch learning items, update plan progress, view and add comments, and add attachments.

Plan Overview

At the top of the page, an overview of the development plan is displayed.

This includes the following information:

  • Due Date - Note: The overall due date for a development plan is the latest due date for any objective within the development plan. The due date for an objective is the latest due date for any learning item or action step within the objective.

  • Plan Category

  • Assignee

  • Description

  • Progress


Development Objectives

This section displays each of the plan's objectives, including the learning items and action steps within the objective.

Use the slider to update the objectives progress.

  • To add comments to your performance plan, click on the Add a Comment bottom.

  • Add your comments on the blank comment box and click Save.

  • To add an attachment:

    1. Click the UPLOAD ATTACHMENTS button and select the file. You can add up to three attachments throughout the review process. Attachments can be up to 1 MB in size and are limited to ppt, pptx, doc, docx, pdf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, txt, gif, zip, xls, xlsx, csv, psd, bmp, rtf, msg, xml, and saz file types.

    2. Click the SAVE button to save the attachments to the Development Plan.

Edit Development Plan

  • To edit a development plan, go to PERFORMANCE > DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Next to the appropriate development plan, select the Options drop-down icon , and select Edit.

Edit/Update General Information

Edit/update the plans general information, the following fields can be updated.

  • Development Plan Title

  • Category

  • Description.

Edit/Update Development Objectives

To edit/update current development objectives:

  1. Select the development objective you want to edit and click on the pencil icon.

  2. The Edit Development Objective page will open, and you can edit the following fields:

    1. Objective Title

    2. Category

    3. Learning and Development

      1. Search For Learning

      2. Add Development Action

    4. Update current development actions

      1. Description

      2. Activity Type

      3. Dude date

      4. Progress

    5. Delete current development actions


To add a new objective to the development plan:

  1. Select the ADD OBJECTIVE button. This opens the Add Development Objective page to define the objective. Complete the following fields:

    • Objective Title - Title for the development plan.

    • Category - Category for the objective, which is intended to help organize development plan objectives.

    • Learning and Development - Add learning and development actions to your plan.

      • Search for Learning - Select this option to search for learning opportunities that may support your development objective. See the Add Objective - Search for Learning section below for additional information

      • Add Development Action - Select this option to add an action step that is required to achieve the development objective. See the Add Objective - Add Development Action section below for additional information.

  2. Select one of the following options:

    • SAVE AND RETURN TO PLAN - Save the objective and return to the Create a Plan page.

    • SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER - Save the objective and begin adding another objective to the plan.

Designate this as the Primary Plan for Assignees

Select this option to automatically set this development plan as the primary plan for all users who are assigned the plan. This option is only available until the plan is submitted.

Submit Plan / Save as Draft / Discard Changes

When you are finished creating your plan, select the SUBMIT PLAN

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